Physical facilities

Physical facilities

The Departmental Office with the Head of Department’s Office adjourning, as well as offices of academic staff of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Management are accommodated in the structural edifice known as the College of Natural Resources and Environmental Managemental (CNREM) Complex, located on the southeastern part of the University at 05°28´32.57”N 07°32’32.02”E.

The FOREM Science laboratory with apartment store for equipments and an office space for a Technologist is also hosted in within the CNREM Complex.

  • A resource rich FOREM Herbarium is also within the CNREM Complex.
  1. An approximately 0.75 ha Research and Demonstration Nursery with a Nursery Shade that has adjourning office for the Nursery Attendant(s) and a Store Room for tools and equipments. The building is however is dare need of greater repairs works particularly in view of the NUC accreditation of the department which will be due by next year 2024.

A Wood Science and Technology Workshop building with offices for Technologists situated just besides the First bank building. This building which also houses our Apiculture Unit is in dare need of renovation or at least repairs.




  1. Approximately two hectres (2 ha) relic forest with an adjourning Forest Food Trees Plantation of Breadfruit Bush mango (Irvingia gabonensis) and African Pear (Dacryoides edulis). The Relic Forest which is estimated to be over 80 years old is used as an outdoor facility for Forestry and Ecological studies.
  2. An animal holding facility with adjourning offices for technologists and a mini Departmental Museum of natural history situated besides the Anyim Pius Auditorium and opposite the University Old convocation Arena. This facility is grave need of urgent repairs to at least save the museum specimens.
  • An approximately one hectre (1 ha) Research/Demonstrattion Rubber (Havea brasiliences) Plantation located besides the University’s fish farm. Within the plantation are significant presence of Gnetum africana
  1. FOREM’s library located within the CNREM Complex, and manned by staff of the MOUAU Library Unit. The FOREM library is rich with assorted and recent textbooks and journals in forestry, wildlife, biodiversity, environment and related fields.
  2. FOREM Snailry is located on a 50x100m plot between the MOUAU fish farm and the FOREM rubber plantation. The department is involved in the domestrication of local and foreign snails such as Achachatina marginata