Philosophy and Objectives

Philosophy and Objectives

The aim of the B.FOREM degree programme is to serve as model for the training of professionals in forestry, wildlife and environmental management and conservation. The training which the Department offers to undergraduate students, farmers, rural communities and NGOs aims to optimize trainees’ abilities for employment and entrepreneurial skills in fiber (wood), food, and feed production, in sustainably managed environments. The training is open to qualified citizens of Nigeria, as well as other Africans and the world at large. Through our research and training activities, we also sensitize people and communities to the need for sustainable management of the environment, to enhance the continued productivity and ecological stability of forests, local wildlife populations, agroforestry plants, and other living resources of ecologic-economic importance in the area.

The multifaceted approach of the programme equips our students with state-of –the art- skills and competences to satisfy emerging intellectual demands of modern-day employers and development partners. It also facilitates the students’ scientific skills, specialist managerial and self-confidence in handling matters and dealing with issues relating to the management and conservation of the living resources. The B.FOREM degree programme constantly undergoes reviews that infusing into it, advances in knowledge and science of present and emerging issues in forestry, wildlife and general management of our environment.

in addition to the general objectives of MOUAU and CNREM, the current specific objectives of the B.FOREM degree programme are as follows:

  • To become a veritable center of documentation for the living natural resources of southeastern Nigeria, and the larger Nigerian environment.
  • To develop and become a center of excellence in the science and art of Forestry, Wildlife, Agroforestry, Wood Technology and Environmental Management and Conservation.
  • To produce academically sound and innovative graduates who can create new ideas in the above-mentioned disciplines and sub-disciplines and contribute to positively transforming the local, national and global economy and environment, thus enhancing the quality of peoples’ lives.
  • To train competent graduates for self-employment, and to inculcate in them eco-preneurship skills for public and private sector employment (i.e produce prospective forestry-based graduate entrepreneurs with proficiencies to create jobs for self and others in our local and wider labor markets).
  • To encourage and advance learning in functional Forestry and Wildlife management, Agroforestry, and living natural resources management to all interested persons without discrimination whatsoever.
  • To explore avenues for income generation for the Department through environment-related consultancy services and other academic-based ventures.
  • To explore opportunities for engaging in thorough, effective and scientific research and extension services in sustainable Forestry and Wildlife management, Agroforestry, and natural resources and environmental management in response to national, regional and global needs.
  • To use innovative, dynamic and proactive research and development approach, to become a foremost solution center for forestry and environmental management and conservation issues, in Nigeria and beyond.