Name: Rev. Sr. Dr. Oguike, Mary Anthony
Nationality: Nigerian
Marital status: Single/Religious
Permanent home address: Daughters of Divine Love Congregation,
P. O. Box 546 Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria
Next-of-kin The Mother General, Daughters of Divine Love
Contact Address: Michael Okpara University of Agriculture
Umudike, P.M.B. 7267, Umuahia, Abia state
Date of Assumption of duty: 2nd May, 1994
Status on 1st Appointment: Assistant Lecturer
Present Status: Professor
Date of Confirmation of Appointment May 2nd, 1996
` Department/Unit: Department of Animal Breeding and
Mercy Juniorate Ntigha, Abia State, Nigeria 1971 – 1975
Daughters of Divine Love Postulate/Novitiate 1976 – 1979
University of Nigeria, Nsukka 1985 – 1990
University of Nigeria, Nsukka 1990 – 1992
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike 1996 -2004
WASC 1975
Religious Profession (Consecrated Life) 1979
Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Animal Science) 1990
M.Sc. Animal Science (Reproductive Physiology) 1992
Ph. D. Animal Physiology (Animal Physiology) 2004
Federal University of Agriculture, Umudike May, 1994 to Oct 1996
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike Oct., 1996 to Oct., 1999
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Oct., 1999 to Oct 2004
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Oct., 2004 to 2008
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Oct., 2008 to 2011
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Oct., 2011
. i. College Examination Committee member 1996 to 1998
Ii College welfare Chairperson 1999 to 2003
iiiServed as member of several Ad hoc committees in the
College of Animal Science and Animal Production 1999 to date
iv.College Representative in College of Natural Resources
and Environmental Management 2003 to date
v. Head of Unit Pig and Rabbit Unit 2005 to 2007
vi.Chairperson College Examination and
Time Table Committee 2006 to 2007
Table Committee 2006 to 2007
Theses and Dissertation 2004 to date
Member of University Ceremonial Committee 2007
and Physiology Oct, 2008 to June, 2011
for Animal Production (NSAP) Abia Chapter 1998 to 2000
Parish Ahiaeke Ndume 1996 to 2000
xviii. Member Pastoral Council Catholic Diocese of Umuahia 2004 to date
xiv. Member Synod Planning Committee
Catholic Diocese of Umuahia 2007
(a). Nig Society for Animal Production (NSAP) 1994 to date
(b). Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN) 2000 to date
(c). World Poultry Science Association (WPSA) 1999 to date
(d). Nig Institute of Animal Scientist 2008 to date
Undergraduate Courses Credit units
APH 511: Reproductive Physiology, Semen Technology & artificial Insemination 2
APN 511: Poultry Production 2
APN 521: Pig and Rabbit Production 2
CAS 501: Seminar 1
CAS: 521: Animal Products and Processing Technology 2
Postgraduate Course
APN 611: Poultry Production 2
CAS 621: Animal Products and Processing Technology 2
CAS 601: Seminar 1
APH 701: Seminar 1
APH: 711 Advanced Physiology 1 2
APH: 712 Advanced Endocrinology 2
APH: 721 Advanced Physiology 11 2
APH: 722 Endocrinology of Reproduction 2
APH: 723 Physiology of Reproduction in Male Animals 3
APH: 724 Physiology of Reproduction in Female Animals 3
APH: 811 Physiology and Homeostasis 3
APH: 812 Environmental Physiology 3
APH: 814 Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction 3
APH: 815 Physiology of Growth 3
APH: 821 Physiology of Avian Reproduction 3
APH: 822 Semen Technology 3
APH: 823 Special Topics in animal Reproduction 1
APH: 825 Physiology of Lactation and Egg Production 3
Investigation and evaluation of techniques for the improvement of reproductive performance and reproduction efficiency in farm animals.
1 Effect of age of birds on shell quality and component yield of eggs.
Nig. J. of Animal Production. (1996)
2 The performance of indigenous chicken under scavenging with or without supplementation. East African Agric. For. J. (1996)
3 The effects of progesterone and thermal stress on broiler production efficiency.
J. Sustain. Agric. Environ. (JSAE) (1998)
4 Physical characteristics of semen for broiler and native types of domestic cocks.
J. Sustain. Agric. Environ. (JSAE) (1999)
5 Comparative study pf effect of three energy sources on finishing and carcass characteristics of Admiral broiler chickens under semi-arid conditions
J. Sustain. Agric. Environ. (JSAE) (2001)
6 Effects of induced moulting on some immunological parameters in laying hens (Gallus domesticus). Archiv Journal fur Geflugelkunde (2006)
7 Tebufenozide effect on the reproductive potential of the Mediterranean flour moth (Ephestia kuehniella) African Journal of Biotechnology (2007)
1. Effective Livestock Extension Methods. Agricultural and Rural Management Training Institute (ARMTI), Ilorin, 3rd to 14th August, 1998.
2. Facilitating Agricultural Innovation Process. International Livestock Research Institute Nairobi, Kenya. 14th to 27th April, 2002.
3. ETF Capacity Building Workshop for lecturers of Universities in Nigeria held at Michael Okpara University of agriculture Umudike. Nigeria. 7th to 10th August 2006
3. 22nd National Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Bauchi, Bauchi State. 23rd – 27th March, 1997.
4. Silver Jubilee Anniverssary Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held Abeokuta, Ogun State. 21st – 26th March, 1998.
5. 25th National Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Ilorin, Kwara State. 21st – 25th March, 1999.
6. 26th National Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Umudike, Abia State. 19th – 23rd March, 2000.
7. 5th Annual Conference of The Animal Science Association of Nigeria held at Port Harcourt, Rivers State. 19th – 22nd September, 2000.
8. 6th Annual Conference of The Animal Science Association of Nigeria held at Maiduguri, Borne State. 17th – 19th September, 2001.
9. 27th National Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Akure, Ondo State. 17th – 21st March, 2002.
10. 29th National Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Sokoto, Sokoto State. 21st – 25th March, 2004.
11. 1st Nigeria International Poultry Summit (1st NIPS) held at Ota, Ogun State. 20th -25th February 2005
12. 30th National Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Nsukka Enugu State. 2th – 24th March, 2005.
13. 31st National Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Kano, Kano State. 12th – 15th March, 2006
14. 32nd National Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Calabar, Cross River State. 18th – 21st March, 2007.
15. 33rd National Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Ayetoro Ogun State. 16th – 20th March, 2008.
16. 34th National Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Uyo Akwa Ibom State. 15th – 18th March, 2009.
17. 35th National Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Ibadan Oyo State. 14th – 17th March, 2010
18. 15th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nig held at Uyo Akwa Ibom State. 13th – 16th September, 2010.
19. 36th National Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Abuja FCT. 14th – 17th March, 2011.
20. Annual conference of British Society of Animal Science held at Jubilee Campus, Nottingham
University, UK 4th – 6th April, 2011
21. Annual conference of British Society of Animal Science held at Jubilee Campus, Nottingham
University, UK 23rd – 26th April, 2012
22. Annual conference of British Society of Animal Science held Jubilee Campus, Nottingham
University, UK 16th – 17th April, 2013. 209.
23. Annual conference of British Society of Animal Science held University of Chester, UK 14th – 15th April, 2015. 97.
24. International Journal of Arts and Science Conference University of Freiburg, Germany. 29th Nov. to 2nd Dec. 2016
25. GRDS International conference. Imperial College South Kensington, London. 13th to 14th September, 2017.
1 Oguike, M. A. (1994). Relationship between external morphological Characteristics and shell indices of eggs of domestic fowl kept in warm humidtropics. East African For. and Agric. J. 60 (1) : 31-34.
2 Oguike, M. A. (1994). Seasonal Variations on certain egg shell characteristics of domestic chicken kept in warm humid Tropics. East African For. & Agric. J. 60 (2): 75-78.
3 Oguike, M. A. (1995). Influence of oviposition time on some functional properties of egg shell of the domestic fowl kept in warm humid tropics. Nig. J. of Animal Production 22 (1 & 2): 1-4.
4 Oguike, M. A. (1997). Chemical elements in egg shell of Commercial Strain of domestic fowl managed in a Tropical environment. Nig. J. of Anim. Prod.
24 (1 & 2): 188-191.
5 Oguike, M. A and Amaefule, K.U. (1998). Effecf of oviposition time on physical properties of egg of domestic fowls. Nig. Jour. Agric Tech. 7:20-22.
6 Oguike, M. A. (2000). Effect of Age of Physio-Chemical Properties of Egg shell of domestic fowl. Der Tropenlandwirt, Beitrage Zur tropischen Landwirtscaft and Veterinarmedizin, 101: 63-68.
7 Oguike, M. A. and Onyekweodiri, E.O. (2000). Egg Quality of three strains of Commercial layers in different storage periods. J. Sustain. Agric. Environ.
2 (1): 113-117.
8 Oguike, M. A., Ndubueze, A. I. and Ibe, S.N. (2000). Semen quality of different genotypes of Nig Local Chickens. J. Sustain. Agric. Environ. 2 (2). 310-313.
9 Ojewola, G.S., Oguike, M.A., Akomas, S.C., Likita, T., Onyiro, O. M. and Wokocha, C. (2003).Comparison of the supplemental effects of Roxazyme-G Enzyme in palm kernel meal and brewers dried grain based diets fed to male turkey poults.The Nig Agric Journ. 34: 116-124
10 Oguike M A, Igboeli G, Ibe S N and Uzoukwu M (2004) Effect of day length and feed/water regime
on induction of feather moult in the domestic fowl. International Journ Poult. Sci. 3 (8): 507-512
11 Oguike M A, Igboeli G, Ibe S N, Uzoukwu M, Akomas S.C and Iromkwe M.O. (2005). Morphological characteristics and egg production of forced-moult layers under different moult induction techniques. African Journal of Biothecnology 4 (9): 1001-1004.
12 Oguike M A, Igboeli G, Ibe S N, Iromkwe M.O, Akomas S.C and Uzoukwu M, (2005). Plasma progesterone profile and ovarian activity of forced-moult layers. African Journal of Biotechnology 4 (9): 1005-1009.
13 Oguike M A, Igboeli G, Ibe S N, and Iromkwe M.O. (2005). Physiological and endocrinological mechanisms associated with ovulatory cycle and induced-moulting in the domestic chicken –A Review. World’s Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 61, (12): 625-632.
14 Ojewola G.S., Abasiekong S.F. Uko M.U. and Oguike M.A (2006). Influence of lysine supplementation on the reproductive performance of rabbits in the tropics. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 5 (2): 114-117.
15 Oguike M A, Igboeli G, and Ibe S N, (2006) Effect of induced moult on the number of small ovarian follicles and egg production of old layers. International Journal of Poult. Sci. 5 (4): 385-389
16 Akomas, S. C., Oguike, M.A. and Amadi, L. C. (2006). Morphometric changes following pregnancy in large white sows. Animal Production Research Advances 2 (3): 189-193.
17 Amaefule K U, Oguike M A, Ironkwe M O and obioha F C (2007). Pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp.] seed meal in layer diets: 3. Effect of higher inclusion level and prolonged feeding of raw or processed pigeon pea seed meal diets from pullet stage on the laying performance of pullets. International Journal of Poultry Science. 6(6):452-458.
18 Oguike M.A and Udeh N. E. (2008) Influence of the ethnoveterinary plant – Spondias mombin L. on partial daily milk yield (pdm), haematology and serum biochemistry of lactating West African Dwarf (WAD) ewes Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 7(5):584-588
19 Ahamefule F. O., Obua B E., Ukweni I A, Oguike M A and Amaka R A (2008). Haematological and biochemical profile of weaner rabbits fed raw or processed pigeon pea meal based diets. African Journal of Agric. Research. 3(4); 315-319.
20 Oguike M.A and Okocha N. L. (2008). Reproductive performance of rabbits re-mated at different intervals post-partum. African Journal of Agric. Research. 3(6): 412-415.
21 Oguike M.A Aboaja C U, Ukweni I A and Herbert U. (2008). Influence of tigernut (Cyperus esculentus L.) on the semen characteristics and testicular parameters of rabbits. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr. 56: 67-73.
22 Oguike M.A, Ukweni, I. A and Ansa, A.A. (2008). Effect of zinc on the semen characteristics and haemtological profile of large white boar. Nig Agric J. 39 (1): 30-36.
23 Oguike M.A and Uwalaka C. (2008). Influence of biotin on semen and testicular characteristics of rabbit bucks. Nig Agric J. 39 (1): 55-60.
24 Oguike, M. A, I Odimba, N.E and Ukweni. A (2008). Influence of forage legumes (centrosema pubescens and calopogonium phaseloides) on semen characteristics of rabbits. Nig Agric J. 39 (2): 119-124.
25 Oguike, M.A. and Udeh, N. E. (2009). Effect of Spondias mombin l.on milk composition of lacting West African Dwarf (WAD) ewes. Nig J Anim Prod. 36 (2): 335-343.
26. Nwachukwu, E. N., Amaechi, A. F., Oke, U. K., Oguike, M. A and Ojewola, G. S. (2009). Evaluation of growth and carcass characteristics of crosssbred frizzle and normal feather broiler chickens in a humid tropical environment. International J. Agric, Food and Ecosystem Res.1(1):80-85.
27. Oguike, M. A. Ilo, S. U. And Odika, I. E. (2011). Physiological responses of gilts to supplementation of selenium and vitamin E. J. Adv. Res. 2(1): 115-122.
28. Oguike, M. A and Archibong, C. B. (2011) Effect of Ethiopian pepper (Xylopia ethiopica) on testis and semen quality of rabbit bucks. J. Adv. Res. 2(1):294 -298.
29. Etim, N. N. And Oguike, M. A. (2011) Haematology and biochemistry of rabbit does fed Aspilia africana Nigerian Journal Food Agriculture and Environment. 7(4): 121-127
30. Etim, N. N. And Oguike, M. A. (2014) Environmental stressors of farm animals: Implications for productive and reproductive efficiencies. J. Agric. and Sustainability. 5(2):153-170.
31. Etim, N. N. And Oguike, M. A. (2014) Lactation stimulating and growth promoting effects of Aspilia africana fed to rabbit does. Russian Agric. Sci. 40 (5): 385-389. Allerton Press, Inc
32. Etim, N. N. And Oguike, M. A. (2015) Effects of Aspilia Africana on conception rates of rabbit does. Animal Reproduction. 12(2): 226-341.
33 Ansa, A. A., Mballeto, C. S. and Oguike, M. A. (2017) Assessment of reproductive impact of Ethiopian Paper (Xylopia aethiopica) on rabbit bucks. Arch. Zootec. (http// 66(253):121-125)
34. Mary Anthony Oguike, Udo Herbert and NseAbasi NsikakAbasi Etim (2017 ) . Libido and semen characteristics of West African Dwarf rams administered aqueous marigold plant (Aspilia Africana) extract. Academic Journal of Science, 7 (02: 25-34
35. NseAbasi NsikakAbasi Etim, Udo Herbert and Mary Anthony Oguike (2017). Effect of administration of aqueous leaf extract of Aspilia africana on haematological parameters of West African Dwarf Sheep (Rams) International Journal of Agriculture, forestry and fisheries. 5 (4): 39-46.
36. Oguike, M. A. and Onyekweodiri, E.O. (1999). Egg shell quality of four commercial strains of layers. 26th Annual Conference of Nig Society for Animal Production (NSAP), Ilorin 21st to 25th March, 1999. 281-283.
37. Oguike, M. A. and Ngwuka A. C. (2001) Component yields of eggs of commercial layers fed at different periods of the day. 6th Annual Conference Animal Science Association of Nigeria. Maiduguri. 17th to 19th September, 2001. 89-90.
38. Oguike, M.A. and Ezeoke, I.O. (2003). Recycling of old layers using forced moulting. 28th Annual Conference of Nig Society for Animal Production (NSAP), Ibadan 16th to 20th March, 2003. 92-95.
39. Oguike, M.A., Igboeli, G. and Ibe, S.N (2004). Interior egg quality of commercial layers force moulted under different feeding regimens. 29th Annual Conference of Nig Society for Animal Production (NSAP), Sokoto 21st to 25th March, 2004. 128-130.
40. Oguike M.A and Okocha N. L. (2007). Growth rate of kits from does (rabbits) re-mated at different intervals post-partum. 32nd Annual Conference of Nig Society for Animal Production (NSAP), Calabar 18th to 21st March, 2007. 86-88.
41. Oguike, M A., Ogbonnaya C. O. and Amaefule K. U. (2008) Reproductive responses of rabbit does to zinc. 33rd Annual Conference of Nig Society for Animal Production (NSAP), Ayetoto Ogun State, 16th to 20th March, 2008 101 -103
42. Ukpe I.E. Oguike M. A, Ukpe N. E and Ilo S.U. (2008). Seasonal variations in semen quality of two phenotypes of local chicken. 13th Annual Conference Animal Science Association of Nig. ABU Zaria. 15th to 19th September, 2008. 162-164.
43. Oguike, M.A. and Ohaja, A. (2009). Effect of different protein sources on reproductive perfomance of rabbit does. 34th Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production Uyo Akwa Ibom State. 15th – 18th March, 2009. 192 -194.
44. Oguike, M.A. and Etim, N. N. (2010). Effect of Aspilia africana on body weight of rabbit does at different physiological stages. 35th Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production Ibadan Oyo State. 14th – 17th March, 2010. 216-218.
45. Etim, N. N. And Oguike, M. A. (2010). Egg production of domestic chicken (gallus gallus): Factors affecting it production and implications for food security 35th Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production held at Abuja FCT. 14th – 17th March, 2010.
46. Oguike, M.A., Igwe, C. O., Odika, I. E. and Onyekweodiri E. O. (2011) Effect of Aspilia africana leaves on reproductive potentials of rabbit bucks. Annual conference of British Society of Animal Science Jubilee Campus, Nottingham University, UK 4th – 6th April, 2011. 96.
47. Oguike, M.A., Urom S. O. and Odika, I. E. ( 2012) Wastage of goat and cattle fetuses in Aba and Umuahia. 38th Annual Conference of The Nig Society for Animal Production Makurdi. 14th – 17th March, 2012. 184-186.
48. Oguike, M.A., Thomas, I. A. and Onyekweodiri E. O. (2012) Reproductive performance of rabbits bucks fed diets containing probiotics. Annual conference of British Society of Animal Science held Jubilee Campus, Nottingham U niversity, UK 24th – 26th April, 2012. 103.
49. Oguike, M.A. Nwogu,R.K. and Amaefule K. U. (2013). Semen characteristics of Landrace boars fed diet supplemented with selenium and soyabean oil. Annual conference of British Society of Animal Science held Jubilee Campus, Nottingham U niversity, UK 16th – 17th April, 2013. 209.
50. Oguike, M.A. Eg, U. N. and Ezea, J. (2015). Gonadal and extra-gonadal sperm resereve of West African Dwarf rams treated with FHS/LH. Annual conference of British Society of Animal Science held University of Chester, UK 14th – 15th April, 2015. 97.
Imo State scholarship Award 1989 -1990
Federal Government scholarship Award 2002-2003
Roll of Honour- Nig Society for Animal Production 1999
Dean College of Animal Science and Animal Production
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike
Abia State, Nigeria
2.Prof. G. S. Ojewola
College of Animal Science and Animal Production
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike
Abia State, Nigeria
3.Prof F. Ekelem
College of Crop and Soil Science
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike
Abia State, Nigeria