
1.      FULL NAME:                        Prof. Akachuku, Caroline Oluwunmi


2.      PLACE OF BIRTH:              Osun State, Nigeria


3.      NATIONALITY:                    Nigerian


4.      MARITAL STATUS:            Married




6.      PRESENT POSTAL MAILINGS ADDRESS:  Department of Forestry and Environmental Management, College of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, P.O. Box 7267, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.


7.      PRESENT EMPLOYMENT STATUS: Professor from Oct 1st 2017 to date, and Head of Department (HOD) from June, 2016 to date.



2002           Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Forestry (Agro- Forestry- Options), University of Science and Technology, (UST) Rivers State, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

1991           Master of Science (M.Sc) Agronomy (with Specialization in Horticulture), University of Ibadan (UI), Ibadan, Nigeria.

1986           Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Forest Resources Management, University of Ibadan (UI), Ibadan, Nigeria.



   2016   Certificate in Modern Apiculture Management: Honey, By-                                               Products and pollination awarded by MASHA-Israel Agency for International Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and MaTC (MASHAV International Agricultural Training Centre), Israel.

2013           Certificate in “Teaching of General Entrepreneurship courses in Universities” Awarded by Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Centre for Entrepreneurship Studies (CES)


2012           Certificate of “Proficiency in Computer Appreciation and Internet Utilities”. Awarded by AfriHUB- ICT Solution for Africa.


2011           Certificate in “Consciousness-Based Education”. Awarded by Maharishi European Research University (MERU), The Netherlands.


1999           Certificate in “Honeybee Husbandry in Rural Development”, Awarded by LAL Beekeeping Nigeria and Trichilla ABC the Netherlands.


1997           Certificate in “Advanced Computer Applications”- (SAS SPSS and Harvard graphics Modules) organized by Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. (Formerly Federal University of Agriculture, Umudike) in Conjunction with General Data Engineering Services Limited, (GDES), Ibadan, Nigeria.



a.                  Member, Forestry Association of Nigeria (FAN)

b.                 Member, Beekeeping Association of Nigeria  (BAN)

c.                  Member, International Bee Research Association (IBRA)

d.                 Member, International Society for Tropical Forestry (ISTF)

e.                  Member, American Beekeeping Federation (ABF)

f.                   Member, Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN)

g.                 Member, Nigeria Society for Biological Conservation (NSBC)

h.                 Member, Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST)

i.                   Member, the Nigeria Field Society (NFS)

j.                   Member, Nigeria Conservation Foundation (NCF)

k.                 Member, Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON)



a.                  Forestry

b.                 Establishment, Management and Sustainable Utilization of Edible- Non Timber Forest products (NTFPs) i.e. Forest Food Resources which abound in the tropics.

c.                  Apiculture (Beekeeping) for crop pollination and production of honey, Beeswax, Pollen, Propolis and for Apitheraphy.

d.                 Snail farming- Establishment and Management

e.                  Establishment and Management of Agro-forestry Farms.

f.                   Environmental Conservation and Management.



1986-1987  Undertook a Study on “Behavioural pattern of crocodiles in captivity at University of Ibadan Zoological Garden during National Youth Service Corps Programme with University of Ibadan Veterinary medicine Department.

1988-1989  Assisted Prof. A.E. Akachuku during field study and laboratory analyses of samples at Harvard University, Harvard Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

1994-1996  Assistant lecturer, Department of Forestry and Environmental Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.

1997-1998  Lecturer II

1998-2004  Lecturer I    

2005-2012  Senior Lecturer

2006-2007  On sabbatical leave of absence at Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

2012-Date   Associate Professor



2016-Date   Head of Department of Forestry and Environmental Management

2015-Date   Departmental post-graduate seminar co-ordinator

2014-2016  Member of university examination monitoring team.

2012-2016  Member, Committee on Gender and Child Development. The mission of the centre is to promote equal participation of women, men and youth as well as child sustainable development at all social, economic and educational levels by increasing public awareness. 


2012-2013  Local Organizing Committee (LOC) Chairman for International training Workshop on Biodynamic Beekeeping in the Tropics for Poverty Alleviation, Organized by Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike in collaboration with University of Management, Agriculture Institute, IOWA, U.S.A and Trichilia ABC Beekeeping Company, the Netherlands from 2nd-9th June, 2013.


2010-2013  Deputy Dean of College of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.


2012-Date   Member, Vice Chancellor’s committee on Tree Planting for greener vegetation, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.


2007-2008  Acting Dean, College of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.


2006-2007  Deputy-Dean of College of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.


2005-2006  Coordinator, Postgraduate Time Table and Examination


2006-2010  Member, University Task Force on Campus Environmental Wholesomeness.


1998-2000  Member, University Committee on Joint programme with Outside Bodies.


1994-Date   Representative of the Department/College /University in various bodies such as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Abia State on World Food Day and Annual Tree Planting




I teach the following undergraduate courses:

i.              Introduction to Forest Food Resources (FFA 221)

ii.            General Agriculture (CAE 211)

iii.         Apiculture (Beekeeping) (FFA 311)

iv.         Venture Creation and Growth – EntrepreneurshipStudies (GNT 311)

v.            Harvesting and Processing of Forest Food Resources (FFA 402)

vi.         Wildlife Nutrition and Forest Food Resources (FRW  522)

vii.       Wildlife Management and Utilization (FRW 523)

viii.    Forest and Wildlife Extension and Education (FRW 521)

ix.         Multiple Land-use System (FRW 511)

x.            Non-Wood Forest Products (WTI 524)

xi.         Venture Creation and Growth ­– General Entrepreneurship Studies (GNT 311).


i.         Advanced Forest Food Resources Management (FFA 712)

ii.       Forest Food Resources (FFA 821)

iii.    Agroforestry (FFA 711)

iv.    Agroforestry System for Environmental Management (FEM 803)

v.       Advanced Non-Timber Forest Products (FEM 929)

vi.    Advanced Apiculture (FEM 910)

vii.  Advanced Forest Food Resources  (FFA 915)

viii.     Principles of Agroforestry (FFA 821)

ix.    Silviculture and Environmental Management (FEM 802)

x.       Economic Analysis of Agroforestry Systems (FFA 822)

xi.    Environmental Forestry (TEM 711)

xii.  Wood Quality Control (WTI 812)

xiii.     Principles of Apiculture (FFA 811)

xiv.     Environmental/Forest Resources (TEM 812)

xv.  Pulp and Paper production (WTI 821)

xvi.     Non-Timber Forest Products (WTI 822)

xvii.  Environmental Impact Assessment (FEM 824)

xviii.                         Advanced Timber Quality Control for Forest Industries (FEM 914)

xix.     Advanced Non-Timber Forest Products (FEM 929)

xx.  Advanced Production and Properties of Pulp and Paper (FEM 927)



a.                  National Conference on “Effect of Climate Change on the Forest Ecosystem” held at Harvard University, Harvard Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts, U.S.A., April, 1989.

b.                 International Moral Re-Armament Conference on “Creators of Peace –A women’s initiative and other sessions”. Held at International Conference Centre for Moral Re-Armanment, Caux, Switzerland, July 25th – August 19th, 1991.

c.                  Annual Business Meeting (ABM) of the Nigeria Field Society. Held at Port-Harcourt, Nigeria. November 8th-11th 1991.

d.                 Seminar on “Lost crops of Nigeria: Implication for food security”. Held at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria 21st-22nd May, 1992.

e.                  International Moral Re-Armament Conference on “Restoring the Human Spirit in our Cities”. Held at International Conference centre for Moral Re-Armament, Caux, Switzerland, 4th -19th August, 1995.

f.                   Nigeria Society for Biological Conservation Conference on “Biological Conservation for sustainable Agricultural production” Held at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria, November 6th-8th, 1995.

g.                  Annual Conference of Forestry Association of Nigeria on “Environment and Resources Development”. Held in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria 22nd -26th September, 1997.

h.                 National Honey Production Workshop organized by Federal Ministry of Technology and State and Local Government Affairs office, Abuja Nigeria. Held at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State, 24th -28th August, 1998.

i.                    NEST Workshop on “Informal Sector and the Nigerian Environment”. Held at BINEZ Hotel Aba, Abia state, Nigeria, October 26th-29th, 1988. 

j.                    Training workshop on “honeybee husbandry, honey analysis and bee product manufacturing with a seminar on hive products for health”.  Organized by LAL Beekeeping, Nigeria in collaboration with University of Ibadan, Ibadan and Trichilia ABC, the Netherlands. Held at conference centre, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 12th-30 July, 1999.

k.                 National workshop on promotion of Modern Beekeeping and honey production in Nigeria “organized by Raw Materials Research and Development Council in collaboration with WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, U.S.A. Held at ADP training hall, Rumuokoro, Port Harcourt Nigeria, 8th-10th October, 2002.

l.                    Agricultural Society of Nigeria Conference on “Agriculture: “A Basis for Poverty Eradication and Conflict Resolution”. Held at Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria, October, 20th-24th, 2002.

m.               Workshop on “Farmer to Farmer Training in Modern Beekeeping in South Eastern Nigeria.” Organized by Raw Materials Research and Development Council in collaboration with WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, U.S.A. Held at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria, October, 2002.

n.                 Annual Conference of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology on “Biotechnology in Food Processing”. Held at Federal University of Technology Owerri, and Imo State University, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria 4th-8th November, 2002.

o.                 Agricultural Society of Nigeria. Conference on “Agriculture Rebirth for Improved Production in Nigeria”. Held at the University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria 4th-8th November, 2002.

p.                 Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Nigeria. Held at university of Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria, 19th-22nd October, 2005.   

q.                 Annual conference of the Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology on “Reforms in the Food industry for meeting future challenges in Africa”. Held at Lagos Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Ikeja, Lagos and Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON) Conference centre, Badagry, Nigeria, 23rd – 27th October, 2006.

r.                   Annual conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria on “Climate Change and Sustainable Renewable Material Resources Management”. Held in Umuahia, Abia State Nigeria, 20th – 24th October, 2008.

s.                   International Conference and Roundtable on “Governance and Development in Africa”. Organized by the College of Business and Social Science (CBS), Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria march 11th – 13th 2009.

t.                    Symposium on the Youth and Development with the theme “Planting the seeds of tomorrow” organized by HARAMBE, NIGERIA. Held at Shell Hall Muson Centre, Onikan, Lagos 28th August, 2009.

u.                 National Seminar/Workshop on “Innovation and Strategies for Hedge Funds and Investors” Organized by Institute of Investment Management and Research. Held at Excellence Hotel Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria 27th November, 2009.

v.                 7th Annual University of Lagos Research Conference and Fair Research: An effective tool for sustainable National Development, Organized by University of Lagos 19th – 21st October, 2011.

w.               Conference on “Role of Agriculture in National Development” organized by Maharishi Educational Research University (MERU) – An educational research university, The Netherlands, June 2012.

x.                 International Biodynamic Beekeeping Training Workshop organized by Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, in collaboration with University of Management, Fairfield, IOWA, U.S.A and Trichilia ABC Beekeeping Company, The Netherlands, 2nd-9th June, 2013. 

y.                  International Symposium of the Culture of Peace in the Lake Chad Basin organized by University of Diffa, Republic of Niger from 2nd to 4th November, 2015.



Language Proficiency

a.                  English: Excellent

b.                 Strong communication skills as teacher and lecturer.

c.                  Excellent relationship builder with students, colleagues and administration.

d.                 Excellent interpersonal, writing, verbal communication and research skills.

e.                  Teach all courses in practical oriented way using, variety of teaching aids to motivate students in active learning and skill acquisition (entrepreneurial).



2017          A member of a group that carried out High Conservation Value (HCV) study of Okomu Forest Reserve, Benin, Edo State, Nigeria.

2015           A member of committee that developed the curriculum of  Institute of Environment and Ecology, Faculty of Agronomy Sciences, University of Diffa, Niger Republic.

2015-2018  A Lead Author for IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) deliverable 2b – Regional assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services for Africa. IPBES was established by United Nations in April, 2012 as an Independent Intergovernmental body open to all member countries of the United Nations. The member states are committed to building IPBES as the leading intergovernmental body for assessing the state of the planet’s biodiversity, its ecosystems and the essential services they provide to society.

2015           Member of committee that developed the Curriculum of Department of Forestry and Environmental Management of University of Diffa, Niamey, Niger Republic.

2014-2017  External examiner for undergraduate degree programme, Department of Forestry and Wildlife, University of Uyo, AkwaIbom State.

2014-Date   Minister of Environment Nominee as a member of review panel for EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) reports of some projects submitted to Federal Ministry of Environment, Abuja.      

2013           Chairperson (LOC) and Resource person, for International Biodynamic Beekeeping Training Workshop in the “Tropics” for Poverty Alleviation and Youth Empowerment held at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.

2009           Chairman, Technical Committee on Honey, during the survey of                selected Agro-Raw Materials in Nigeria to provide information for            investors, researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders.             This was organized by Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Abuja, Nigeria.

2006-Date: Establishment of beekeeping farms for various non-governmental organization (NGOs) and individuals.

2002:          Resource Person during a workshop on “Promotion of modern beekeeping and honey production in Nigeria”. Organized by Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology in collaboration with WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, U.S.A.

2002:          Resource Person during Farmer to Farmer Training Workshop in Modern Beekeeping in South Eastern Nigeria. Organized by Raw Materials Research and Development Council in collaboration with WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, U.S.A.

2002-Date:  Promotion and Practical Training in Modern Beekeeping Organized by Non-Governmental Organizations in Nigeria.

1997-2003: Also served as resource person for: Agricultural development programme (ADP) in Abia state, on Snail Farming: Establishment and Management.

1999-2000: Community Training, Propagation, Distribution and Utilization of Forest Food Species (Edible Non-Timber Forest Products) in Arochukwu, South-Eastern Nigeria organized by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Sustainable Human Development, Lagos, Nigeria.

1995-Date:  Assists individuals and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in Community Training and Establishment of threatened/endangered forest food species (Edible Non-Timber Forest  Products) such as bush mango (Irvingiagabonensis), African breadfruit (Treculiaafricana), African oil bean (Pentaclethramacrophylla), pepper fruit (Dennettiatripetala); African star apple (Gambeyaalbida-syn. Chrysophyllumalbidum), leafy vegetable (Gnetumafricanum), African walnut (Plukenetiaconophora –synTetracarpidiumconophorum)Tetrapleuratetraptera; alligator pepper (Afromomummelegueta) e.t.c.

1994  Introduced Apiculture (Beekeeping), Forest food Resources, as courses from B. Sc to Ph.D level in Nigeria University curriculum.




Published/Accepted Papers:

·          Akachuku, C. O. and Fawusi, M. O. A. (1994): Growth Characteristics, yield and nutritive value of waterleaf, Talinumtriangulare (jacq) wild in a semi-wild Environment. Discov. Innov. 7(2):163-172.

·          Akachuku, C. O. (2001): Growth of Bitter leaf (Vernoniaamygdalina) and nutritive values of its processed and unprocessed leaves. Discov. Innov. 13(3&4) 227-232.

·          Akachuku, C. O. (2002): Plant species of some wetlands in Nigeria visited by honeybees for nectar and pollen collection. Journal of Development Studies, 4(2):68-80

·          Akachuku, C. O. (2004): Assessment of the above-ground biomass and physico-chemical composition of an endangered indigenous leafy vegetable (GentumafricanumWelw. Gnetaceae), grown under rubber plantation in South-Eastern Nigeria. African Journal of Development Studies, Adis-Ababa and Development African consortium, Port Harcourt Nigeria Vol 4, Numbers (1& 2)76-79.

·          Akachuku, C. O. (2005): Fruit Characteristics and Performance of African star Apple (Gambeyaalbida syn. Chrysophyllumalbidum) at early stages of its growth. Journal of Agriculture, Agricultural Technology and Environment. A publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, university of Calabar Vol.1 No. 1 Jan-June (2005) 97-104.

·          Akachuku, C. O. (2005): Honey quality as affected by methods of harvesting and processing in Southern Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology and Environment. A publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Calabar, Calabar state. Vol. 1 January-June (2005)73-82.

·          Akachuku, C. O. (2006): Autecology, propagation and utilization of two endangered wrapping –leaf species (Thaumatococcusdaniellii and Halleaciliata) used in food processing and preservation in Southern Nigeria. International Journal of Natural and Applied Science (IJNAAS) Vol. 2NO.2 (2007)50-56.

·          Akachuku, C. O. (2006): Assessment of housing architecture, Colony Content and physico-chemical properties of honey of Hypotrigonaspecies. A Stingless honeybees species. Production Agricultural andTechnology (PAT) production. A Publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, Nasarawa State University, Kebbi 1(1):161-169.

·          Akachuku, C. O. (2008): Sustainable production of snail through home garden Agroforestry practice in South Eastern Nigeria. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources. Vol. (24)1, 2008, 77-83

·          Akachuku, C. O. and Onyenso, A. I. (2008): Bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties of honey produced by two stingless honeybee species Trigonacarbonaria and Meliponabeecheii in South-Eastern Nigeria. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources Vol. (24)1, 2008 42-48

·          Akachuku, C. O. and Onyenso, A. I. (2009): Honey yield in different hives used in modern beekeeping in the rainforest area of Nigeria. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources Vol. (25)1, 2009, 17-24.

·          Akachuku, C. O. (2010): Comparative Study on Nutritional Composition of Matured Green and Red Fruits of Dennettiatripetala – a threatened indigenous forest fruit species. Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Science (JOAFSS) Vol. (8) No, 2010, 174-177.

·          Udofia, S. I., Okeke, A. I. and Akachuku, C. O. (2010): Livestock production in Homegardens: A case study of Akwa-Ibom State of Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Vol. 12, (2010) 107-113.

·          Onyenso, A. I. and Akachuku, C. O. (2011): Physico-chemical properties of honeys produced by two stingless honeybee species. Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Social Science (JOAFSS) Vol.9 No1, 2011, 158-167.

·          Onyenso, A. I. and Akachuku, C. O. (2014): Honey, Beeswax and Pollen Yields in Composite Colonies of Trigonacarbonaria (Stingless honeybee) in the Southeastern Nigeria. Paper accepted for publication in International Journal of Forestry and Environment (online and print) -6pp.

·          Simonyan, K. J., Ehiem, J. C., Okafor-yadi, O., Akani, A. O., Okpara, D. A., Simonyan, J. B.,  Akachuku, C. O. and Onumadu, F. (2014): Some Mechanical Properties of Irvingiawombolu Nuts under Compression Loading, Relevant for Developing a Cracking Machine. Journal of Applied Agricultural Research – Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN), vol. 6(v) 131-141.

·          Ibe, G. O. and Akachuku, C. O. (2015): Morphological Characteristics of Fruits and Seeds of Indigenous Star Apple species (“Nwanu”) as Affected by Geographical Location. Researchjournali’s Journal of Forestry, Vol. 1(1), 1-10.

·          Akachuku, C. O. (2015): Early growth performance of seedlings and nutritional composition of nuts of Plukenetiaconophora Mull. Arg. – A threatened forest food species. Ibadan Journal of Agricultural Research (IJAR). Published by Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Ibadan. Vol. 11 (No. 2), 2015, 50-61.

·          Akachuku, C. O. (2015): Phyto-chemical composition and oil characteristics of Plukeneetiaconophora nuts and the ant-microbial activity of its pod extract. Paper revised for publication. Journal of Raw Material Research. Raw Material Research and Development Council, Abuja. 18pp.

·          Akachuku, C. O. and Tombere, V. P. (2015): Growth performance of PentaclethramacrophyllaBenth as affected by by-products from battery factory. J. Net. Sci. Engr& Tech. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria (FUNAAB). 2015, 14(2) 72-84.

·          Daniel, K.S., Akachuku, C. O. and Olajide, O. (2016): Communal disposition to the values of sacred groves in Southern Nigeria. Journal of Forestry, Environment and Sustainable Development (JOFESD). Published by Department of Forestry and Natural Environmental Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo. Vol. 2 No.2, 58-68.





·        Akachuku, C. O. (1996): A study of beekeeping methods in Nigeria and their effects on conservation of West African honeybee.  In: Biological Conservation for sustainable Agricultural production. Biological Conservation held in Federal University of Agriculture, Umudike now Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. 1996, pp. 32-35.

·        Akachuku, C. O. (1997): Status of Forest Food Plant Species and Environmental Management in South –Eastern Nigeria. In: Environment and Resource Development (Eds. E.A Oduwaiye, P.C. Obiagu and J.E. Abu). Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of Forestry Association of Nigeria. (FAN) pp.21-29.

·        Akachuku, C. O. (2001): Honey Characteristics, Uses and Factors affecting its curative and nutritional qualities. In: Forestry and National Development (Eds. L. Popoola, J.E. Abu and P.I. Oni). Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of Forestry Association of Nigeria (FAN) pp. 299-309.

·        Akachuku, C. O. (2001): Production and Utilization of the wine palm (Raphiahookeriand wendland). An important wetland species occasionally visited by honeybees. In: Sustainable utilization of Aquatic resources and Environmental Management. Proceedings of the Nigeria Association for Aquatic Sciences. pp. 282-297.

·        Okeke, A. I. and Akachuku, C. O. (2001):  Some Viable technologies for improved yield in Homegardens in South-Eastern Nigeria. In: Forestry and National Development (Eds: L. Popoola, J.E. Abu and P.Oni). Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria (FAN). pp. 308-318

·        Akachuku, C. O. (2002): Growth characteristics and local processing of African breadfruit (Treculiaafricana) in South-Eastern Nigeria. In: Biotechnology in Food Processing. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology, held at Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria pp. 33-34.

·        Akachuku, C. O. (2006): Conserving the Natural Forest Biodiversity in the Nigeria Delta through Modern Beekeeping for Economic Development. In: Forestry at Cross Roads. Proceedings of held in Markurdi, Benue state, Nigeria (L. Popoola Ed.) Forestry Association of Nigeria 20th -25th November. pp. 2-7.

·        Ibe, G. O. and Akachuku, C. O. (2015): Early growth characteristics of Chrysophyllumcainito (exotic star apples) seedlings in different soil media for sustainability. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Biodiversity Conference of Nigeria Tropical Biology Association (NTBA). Held in Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), 19th-20th May, 2015. pp 219-227.

·        Akachuku, C. O. and Maxwell, G. O. (2015): In-vitro assessment of Archachatinamarginata slime on some pathogenic organisms. In the place of snail farming in the agricultural, industrial, pharmaceutical and economic transformation in Nigeria. (J. C. Okonkwo, C. I. Ebenebe and I. F. OkonkwoEds). Book of Proceedings of the 4th International Conference/Workshop on Giant African Land Snail (NetGALS).  Held at NnamdiAzikiwe University Auditorium, Awka, 1st-4th June, 2015.



·        Akachuku, C. O. and Mutsaers, M. (2013):Biodynamic Beekeeping in the Tropics. Course Book. Hebden Bridge, UK: Northern Bee Books. 76pp.



·        Akachuku, C. O. (2008): Beekeeping: Management and Problems in the Moist Forest Zone of Nigeria. Paper accepted for publication as a chapter in a book titled “FORESTRY AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION    PRACTICES IN THE TROPICAL MOIST FORESTS OF NIGERIA” 33pp.

·        Akachuku, C. O. (2008): Prospects of Snail Faming in Tropical Rainforests area of Nigeria. Paper accepted for publication as a chapter in a book titled:  FORESTRY AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION    PRACTICES IN THE TROPICAL MOIST FORESTS OF NIGERIA” 34pp.

·        Akachuku, C. O. (2015): Managing Transition from Start-up to Growth as a chapter in book 2, titled: Business Development and Management. Edited by Gideon C. Onubkwusi and Chukwukere A. Okezie. pp 155-186.



Ø    Reading , Writing and Gardening

Ø    Traveling, Listening to Music, Volleyball