Name: Nwankwo Emmanuel Chibuike
Contact Address: Department of Forestry and Environmental Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.
Forestry and Environmental Management (B. FOREM, MOUAU) 2010
Conservation Biology (M. Sc., UNIJOS) 2014
Biodiversity and Ecology (Ph. D., University of Cyprus) 2018
Experience/Preferred Field of Work: Species interactions, bioacoustics, biostatistics, bioinformatics biodiversity conservation, ecology and phylogenetics.
Summary of experience
I have been involved in research areas such as ecology and conservation of biodiversity, specifically the effects of species interactions on species distribution in
the Pogoniulus tinkerbirds. I have conducted several field expeditions on tinkerbirds at various locations in Africa (Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa and Swaziland). I have
skill in tinkerbird song and plumage analyses. I am also experienced in the use of R Statistical software for statistical analysis, Geographic Information System (GIS),
species distribution modeling, phylogenetic analysis, Raven Pro (Cornell) and Avisoft SASLab Pro software packages for song analysis.
Current Areas of Research Interest: Some of my current research areas of interest include:
1. Determination of Important Bat Areas of Nigeria and across West Africa.
2. Preparation of Nigerian insectivorous bat call libraries for auto-identification.
3. Variation in anthill shapes, development rate and species association.
4. Time and space budgets of endangered Hooded vultures Necrosyrtes monarchus.
5. Environmental impacts of University establishment across the continents.
6. Competition for space and mate among territorial breeding bird species.
7. Correlation between grouping and territorial space in avian species.
8. Establishment of self sustained natural food chain for ecological population
dynamics studies.
9. Ambient environmental conditions of indigenous tree species found in homesteads
for combating climate change.
10. Carbon capture from automobile exhaust system for ameliorating global