In accordance with the NUC recommendation, the Department offers Post-graduate Diploma (PGD) in Animal Breeding and Physiology and Post-graduate programs leading to the awards of Master of Science (M.Sc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees, with specializations in Animal Breeding and Genetics, and Animal Physiology. The Department also assists in offering 5-years program of instruction that have practical of 12 months duration leading to the award of Bachelor of Agriculture (B.Agric) degree, with specialization in Animal Science.
The Department offers undergraduate and Post-graduate courses. The undergraduate causes include:
Post-graduate Diploma (PGD):
The Department offers Post-graduate Diploma (PGD) in Animal Breeding and Physiology. The courses undertaken in this are includes:
Master of Science (M.Sc) Degree in Animal Breeding and Genetics:
Courses in this area include:
Master of Science (M.Sc) Degree in Animal Physiology:
Courses offered in this area include:
Doctor of Physiology (PhD) in Animal Breeding and Genetics:
Courses offered in this area include:
Doctor of Physiology (PhD) in Animal Physiology:
Courses offered in this area include: